
The COVID-19 pandemic, technological revolution and evolving labour market needs have exposed the urgency of transforming higher education systems. In particular, digital transformation is key for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to adapt to the changing environment and developmental needs. However, due to the "digital divide" and other deeply entrenched inequalities, digital transformation can be challenging for the global south, especially Africa.
In response to this, the International Institute of Online Education (IIOE) was launched by African and Asian HEIs and private sector partners in December 2019, endorsed by UNESCO. Since its establishment, IIOE provided a free-of-charge multilingual online education platform, teacher capacity building programmes in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, online and blended pedagogy, and STEM online courses. It also developed the IIOE Quality Assurance Framework and Toolkit for Online and Blended Teaching and Learning, as well as the IIOE Competency Framework for the Higher Education Workforce. Since its launch, IIOE has benefited over 9,000 teachers in 135 countries worldwide.
Under the guidance of UNESCO's Priority Africa Strategy, the "IIOE National Centre" (INC) initiative was initiated by UNESCO-ICHEI in order to better serve the needs of HEIs in developing countries in terms of digital transformation. INCs will serve as national hubs for higher education digital transformation through networking, capacity building, online course construction and sharing, and research.
Based on multi-stakeholder consultations with UNESCO, ministries and partner HEIs, University of Nairobi will host the INC in Kenya. The establishment of the INC in Kenya will serve to empower the country's higher education through digital transformation, in alignment with the nation's development strategies, for a more sustainable, inclusive and equitable future.
To this effect, UNESCO-ICHEI is jointly organising the IIOE National Centre launching ceremony in Kenya with Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, UNESCO Priority Africa and External Relations Sector, UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa in Nairobi, and University of Nairobi.